Nenu Student Sir! is a Telugu Action Thriller movie directed by Rakhi Uppalapati. The movie features Bellamkonda Ganesh and Avantika Dasani in lead roles. Samuthirakani, Sunil Varma and Srikanth Ivengar acted in prominent roles.
Story Plot
Subbu (Ganesh Bellamkonda) is a middle-class college student who loves iPhones. He buys an iPhone 12 with his hard earned money. But the same phone makes him involved in a murder case. He also get credited with a huge amount of Rs. 1.75 Crore in his bank account. This turns his life upside down. His findings about the murder and money make up the remaining story.
Short Review
The core story of the movie is good, which explains the financial scams involved with unclaimed bank accounts. Ganesh Bellamkonda gave a natural performance, and Sunil’s short cameo was very good, especially towards the climax. However, the screenplay and dialogues are a big letdown for the movie. The first half of the movie will test your patience. The love scenes are very boring and don’t add any value to the story. The second half also starts with a lag, but the last 30 minutes act as a recovery. There are also some logical errors. The music is decent, but the editing is below par. At least 20-30 minutes should have been chopped off. Overall, Nenu Student Sir! is an okay watch.
Nenu Student Sir! Movie Box Office Collection
Day 1 ( Friday ) | ₹0.22 Cr |
Day 2 ( Saturday ) | ₹0.25 Cr |
Day 3 ( Sunday ) | ₹0.27 Cr |
Day 4 ( Monday ) | ₹0.19 Cr |
Day 5 ( Tuesday ) | ₹0.16 Cr |
Day 6 ( Wednesday ) | ₹0.14 Cr |
Day 7 ( Thursday ) | ₹0.11 Cr |
Week 1 Collection | ₹1.34 Cr |
India Box Office Collection = ₹1.34 Crore
World Wide Box Office Collection : ₹ TBA
Nenu Student Sir! Cast, Release Date, OTT, Review, Trailer
Genre | Action, Thriller |
Language | Telugu |
Cast | Bellamkonda Ganesh Avantika Dassani Samuthirakani Sunil Srikanth Iyengar |
Director | Rakhi Uppalapati |
Screenplay | Rakhi Uppalapati |
Producer | ‘Naandhi’ Satish Varma |
Music | Mahati Swara Sagar |
Release Date | 02 June 2023 |
OTT Release Date | TBA |
OTT Platform | TBA |
Cinematography | Anith Madhadi |
Editor | Chota K Prasad |
Action | Ramkrishnan |
Runtime | 2h 8m |
Nenu Student Sir! Movie Trailer
Disclaimer: The Box Office Data have been compiled from a variety of sources as well as our own research. These data can be approximate and Clearshouts does not make any claims about the authenticity of the data.