“The Story Of A Beautiful Girl” is a Telugu drama movie that features Nihal Kodhaty and Drishika Chander in the lead roles. The story revolves around a charming girl with vibrant dreams who mysteriously vanishes, prompting an extensive investigation and capturing the attention of the media. The film explores whether the police can successfully locate her and unravel the truth behind her disappearance.
Short Review
The Story of A Beautiful Girl benefits from the use of newcomers in a thriller, allowing for an engaging storytelling experience. While initially lacking the intensity of a thriller, it manages to captivate through imaginative elements and surprises despite its flaws. The non-linear narrative effectively pieces together the puzzle, although the characterizations and procedural aspects could have been stronger. The film shines when exploring the personal stories of the protagonists and their motives, but loses momentum when focusing on media trials and investigations. The performances, integrated songs, and sincere attempt to address a social issue elevate the overall impact. Although it could have been racier and more detailed, The Story of A Beautiful Girl is still a commendable effort and a decent one time watch.
The Story Of A Beautiful Girl Movie Box Office Collection
Day 1 ( Friday ) | ₹0.2 Cr |
Day 2 ( Saturday ) | ₹0.14 Cr |
Day 3 ( Sunday ) | ₹0.13 Cr |
Day 4 ( Monday ) | ₹0.09 Cr |
Day 5 ( Tuesday ) | ₹0.06 Cr |
Day 6 ( Wednesday ) | ₹0.06 Cr |
Day 7 ( Thursday ) | ₹0.04 Cr |
Week 1 Collection | ₹0.72Cr |
India Box Office Collection = ₹ 0.81 Crore
World Wide Box Office Collection : ₹ TBA
The Story Of A Beautiful Girl Movie Cast, Release Date, OTT
Genre | Drama, Romantic, Thriller |
Language | Telugu |
Cast | Nihal Kodhaty |
Director | Ravi Prakash Bodapati |
Writer | Ravi Prakash Bodapati |
Producer | Prasad Tiruvalluri |
Music | Arviz |
Release Date | 12th May 2023 |
OTT Release Date | TBA |
OTT Platform | TBA |
Cinematography | Amardeep Guttula |
Production Company | TBA |
Editor | Prawin Pudi |
Runtime | TBA |
Disclaimer: The Box Office Data have been compiled from a variety of sources as well as our own research. These data can be approximate and Clearshouts does not make any claims about the authenticity of the data.